Back To School


If it is one thing I have learned this summer is… always have a good book to dive into and live in it awhile. Especially during the school year because now that I have gone back to class…this is my reading!  Again, I love my job but summer break is still ringing in my ears!  It has taken me this long to get back into my blog and update as I promised.  I’m still in the transition process of trying to “fit it all in” during the course of my day.  I think I have squished my visits to the gym in there, and am thinking I can add my “leisure reading” at the pool after working out.

While I still have to do my “required reading” (above), for those little kiddos who are counting on me for the 3 R’s, my personal sanity is requiring escape reading with books about pirates and rock-n roll!   😉

Have a great week!

Boxes, boxes


Planning, moving and rearranging

Is the process teachers take the days before school starts.

Will my desk work here?  Or maybe there.

Where’s the box with my pretty pointers?

Where’s the box with the posters, the months of the year

and the calendar?

Desks in a row, in a group, or maybe solitaire.

Dust on my hands, in my nose

on my shirt, or tank top for today.

It’s still summer, I tease myself into thinking.

Boxes on top of each other,

OUCH!…that hurt my big toe

with my flip flops still on.

I remember I should bring my tennis shoes tomorrow.

As I work moving and rearranging

my room!

Where’s the box with the…

Getting ready for my first graders!

In The Morning

One of my faves!

Life is a Beach!

In the Morning–
ready to greet the sun.
I sit in the dawn
of the day.

Oh how glorious and
precious it is
to be here right now
to enjoy this
moment with you–
Oh Lord.

How truly beautiful
you are, Oh Lord.
The smell of the ocean
on my nose.
The soft waves in my ears.
The seagulls dancing
in the sky.
The salty morning dew
on my skin.
How beautiful you truly are
Oh Lord.

In the morning–

The quivering hustle of daily
life is nothing but a
in the distance as I
sit here with you
In this morning–
I pray.

How can I be anything
but thankful for this
beautiful morning.

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One More Adventure


Day 26

Hard to believe that my summer break is almost over. 😑 I went to my first workshop today (I say with mixed feelings). But it was quite refreshing to say the least. I think I am getting closer to accept reality and normal living again. This summer has been a blast! I’ve loved sharing my daily rants and inspirations with you, and that you have enjoyed them. I promise I will continue daily until the very last day….of my break, and thereafter.

There is one more adventure this summer and that is our basketball tournament at a near beach in Corpus Christi, Texas. Our whole team is going. We are all excited. I am ready to visit with our warm Gulf waters, and end this summer.

The beach is my love, and I will retire there. My second life will be that of a beach bum who loves to write! 😉

Sports Mom


Day 25

Today I wore the basketball mom shirt.  My kids participate in all the sports but this summer it has been basketball.  At school time, it will be flag football and volleyball…with an ounce of dance mom.  But that’s a different story, without all the dance mom drama that we speculate goes on from T.V.   The team was in a tournament today.  We didn’t come out on top like we are USED to like in regular basketball season, but lots of lessons were learned.  Lessons on determination, positive attitude, working as a team, helping other teammates, winning is not all, and skills.  Some if not all of these lessons can be applied to us adults too.

In this sports filled summer, we have put more attention on our own health and habits as parents.   We are committing to a healthier lifestyle by “squeezing” exercise into our already very busy lives.  We already have a plan of how we are going to do this.  We also realized that too much of our time is wasted anyways, so why not use it constructively and in a very positive way for our health.  A friend clarified today that it is so much more rewarding and satisfying to go to the gym after a day at work, to sit by the poolside and listen to the sweet music of Bob McFerrin’s, “Don’t Worry Be Happy”.  As I reflected on that statement, I thought, absolutely–yes!  Our plan is on!

So how can I be a Sports Mom, and not be sporty?  Well, I am definitely going to try and apply some of those lessons that we as coaches and parents drill and teach our kids during sports.  We too need to…Just Do It!