A Reflection and Princess Time


I came across this reflection I wrote about a year ago of a very special moment with my daughter. Time flies so quickly. Cherish them all and make lots of memories! ******


I guess now coming to McD is not so bad…now that they have iced latte! I have been coming to McDonalds with all my kids and has become a tradition. The iced latte is a treat for the grown-ups…like me. I come with my baby girl. She wanted to come here first and then,

“We can go shopping, mama” said my little girl.

“Yes, princess!” I say.

I can handle this one little demand from this little 6year-old. She won’t be 6 forever. I need to remember and cherish these times and make more of them. The day will come that she won’t want to be with me anymore. When she makes her own life with friends, college, jobs and high hopes! I will be content. Maybe a wonderful son-in-law who will make her dreams come true! In addition to the ones she’s fulfilled on her own!

But for now, I will have my baby girl…just me. No brothers or Daddy! Just the princess and girltime! I will teach her how to be a lady, how to hold her ground and crown.

Yes, trips to McDonalds, the purse store, the shoe store …oh, can’t forget the earrings!

Thank you, Jesus, for my little girl.